Integrity. Defend. Execute. Protect.
Over 20 Years of Experience in Cybersecurity

See Our Services

Serving Clients Worldwide  • 
Minority-, Woman-, and Veteran-Owned Business

Leading Cybersecurity Consultants

NGD Cybersecurity Consultants is a minority-, woman-, and veteran-owned business providing high-level technical, cybersecurity, cyber commissioning, customer service, and project management consulting services for companies within the US Department of Homeland Security's 16 critical infrastructure sectors (chemical; commercial facilities; communications; critical manufacturing; dams; defense industrial base; emergency services; energy; financial services; food and agriculture; government facilities; health care and public health; information technology; nuclear reactors, materials, and waste; transportation systems; and water and wastewater systems) in the areas of enterprise IT infrastructure risk assessments, control systems risk assessments, the industry's only cybersecurity survivability assessment, corporate cybersecurity risk management, FedRAMP, Soc 2, ISO/IEC 27001, operations, management information systems, and all cybersecurity-related needs.

Proud Member of the National Small Business Association

Request a free consultation today.
(571) 789-2656

Serving Private Citizens, Small Businesses & Private Companies

We also offer cybersecurity risk management, audits, and assessments to private citizens, small businesses, and private companies in need of protection from the vast cyber threats and vulnerabilities in this forever changing cyber landscape. We create customized cybersecurity risk programs with a proactive focus on preventing cyberattacks before they occur.

Customer Service Training for Employees

We have tailored our customer service solutions for businesses motivated to improve the customer service of their employees. We all love the customer service exhibited by Chick-Fil-a's employees, so let us train your employees so they can perform in the same manner.


(571) 789-2656

Hours of Operation
Monday - Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
After Hours By Appointment Only